
I was born in Tehran, capital city of Iran in 19 Oct 1984. I am graduated from one of best high schools of nation, “Energy Atomi High School” in 2002. I received my Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from best university of Iran, “Sharif University of Technology” in 2007 and received my Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering from one of top 5 universities of country, “Iran University of Science and Technology” in 2010. I attended in PhD program in WPI University in USA at Jan 2011, but had to quit the PhD after 1 year. I have lived in USA since Jan 2011 to May 2013 and I have visited many states of USA during my stay. I would love to travel worldwide as much as I can and also have visited 8 countries so far.

Moreover, I am very fluent in English and am a little familiar with French, German and Arabic languages (my native language is Farsi). The passionate and love of learning guided me to "never stop learning and experiencing new things" lifestyle. So, I have read many books in fields like Science, History, Sociology, Religions, Novels and etc since when I was teenager. I honestly can tell that I have never seen someone like myself (between communities I belonged), that watched many Movies and TV-series and listened in many Music Discographies in many languages (like a professional artist in Cinema and Music Industry). I also always care about my health and I do my routine home fitness workouts daily and I am professional player in Soccer, Mountain Climbing, Backgammon and Chess since I was teenager.

My passion and love of learnings, led me to variety of knowledge in many fields. In year 2019, due to my strong interest, I changed my scientific field to “Theoretical Physics” and I have finished learning bachelor courses of physics and I will continue my studies in this field for next months and years.

Besides, I have a valuable knowledge of many programming languages like C++, C#, Python, Java, JavaScript, Ruby and etc. I also tried to learn all of new technologies in Web Development formerly, but my plan (which is started last year) for next years, would be research in field of “Theoretical Physics”.

A little more about me:

My master degree is in Robotic and Control Engineering and I always loved this research field, but at the same time I loved to learn about computer engineering and Electrical Engineering. So, I started to learn all of bachelor courses of Electrical Engineering and all of bachelor courses of Computer Engineering since 5 2016. Now, my knowledge in Electrical engineering is at BSc level and in Computer engineering is at BSc level too and I have an official Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering (Control & Robotics).

I love “programming” and “AI” and I have learned a lot of programming languages and “ML” related subjects, since 2015. I teach programming and Machine Learning and I have a considerable knowledge in IT and web development and I teach them as well. You can find more details about it, in my resume page.

In Year 2019, after watching some documentaries in field of Particle Physics and Astro-Physics and Big Bang Theory, I found a strong interest in myself about Theoretical Physics. So, as always, I started to learn more about Physics and I finished bachelor courses of “Physics” in 2019. Maybe in future, I will continue my Studies in Physics to PhD level, especially in fields of “Particle Physics” and “Astro-Physics”. I hope, someday I can solve some mysterious unsolved problems in physics and about origin of universe and unification of standard model and etc. I hope my god will help me, like always was with me in my whole life.

Since 2020, I focused on some research topics in Aritificial Intelligence like, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Game Theory, Natural Language Processing, Convex Optimization, Nonlinear Optimization and Reinforcement Learning and I will continue my research in these fields in next years as one of my specialities. Currently, in 2022, I am creating contents in fields of Programming, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. If you want to know more about my tutorials, please visit this website.


  • Unit 3, No 56, Abdollahi St,
  • Namjoo Ave, TEHRAN, IRAN
  • +98 9124908372